A bit of Background: and my first drum
I reached an Awakening about 11 or more years ago and as I progressed along my path, I was told by several folks that I was a Shaman. It was a total surprise to me. As the next few years unfolded, I began to understand my gifts and we (my late life partner Sandy) saw her healing gifts flower as well. As life arrives, it also returns. On April 18, 2018 Sandy passed due to cancer.
I mention this as the call to make my first drum, and the recent vision to create the Sacred (Wakan) Drums with intent to Honor the Trees, Tribes, Cultures and Beliefs Worldwide, this came from her spirit.
My Bear Drum Freyja, was created in July 2018 with the assistance of two capable shamans. All throughout the afternoons ceremony and work, Sandy was visible in technicolor to them and in the flowing conversation with her, she described the healing links, spirits, and intent she placed into the drum, she also spoke of my path forward and what the drum was and purpose. I was engulfed in her love and emotion during the afternoon, but was not able to see or hear, but I know there were reasons.
As a result, our drum Freyja, is a powerful heart healing drum that many people feel its energy and spirit connections the moment they hold her, and in some cases, when they see her picture.
As i worked with people, giving them Freyja to hold over their hearts, it was easy to see that this bear drum was powerful and different than other drums. I have seen times when just holding her takes the person on journey and amazing events have occurred. I have many stories i can share.
In November 2018, a shamanic practitioner friend of mine (a wonderful Yaqui lady and drum maker) told me that Sandy asked her to conduct the Lakota Keeping of a Soul Ceremony. It was to be organized and held soon. On January 13, 2019, that ceremony was given to us by her and her assistant. It was very powerful and deep reaching.
In March, the idea popped into my head that i should figure out how to make drum frames (hoops) with many sacred woods and place the same healing links into each of the new frames as were in my bear drum Freyja. The vision was to bring these powerful healing drums into as many peoples hands as possible to bring more people into the awareness of their spiritual path and heal inside.
Over the next few months, the vision grew and i finally created the first set of Wakan Drums. To test their capabilities, I gave them to many of the sensitive, psychic, shamans and healers that I knew and asked them to hold them. WOW.... proof was easy to see that these drums were as powerful as my drum Freyja much to the deep surprise and delight of my friends.
i knew they were ready to be brought forth.
In August 2019 I presented Wakan Drums at my first Pow Wow, the Festival of the Rivers in Arlington WA which was given by the Stilliguamish Tribe. The reception was amazing and many tribal folks simply said, Thank you for bringing these to the Earth. Two weeks later I showed at the Muckleshoot Powwow and experienced the same wonderful response. Actually, during both events, the drums were blessed by more than a few Elders. It was a heart filling experience.
Our drums are indeed Sacred Drums. Unlike sacred ceremonial drums which are only brought forth for ceremony, or personal sacred drums that are kept much like a sacred pipe, Wakan Drums are to be shared by the Keeper with others so that many people can have the opportunity for Spirit to have a chat with them, if that is to be. They are to be played, held, honored and protected as they are here to help many.
Our drums give a one-on-one spiritual connection with the person holding the drum. Having an intermediary to hold the drum and interpret any vision or messages, in not how Wakan Drum work. You hold the gateway over your heart and see what happens. Sometimes nothing, somethings just a good feeling and a lot of the times..... interesting events, vision, journey and chats.
In closing, Wakan Drums are unique and important. I hope much healing comes into the world due to them. Aho.