I have been interested in learning the old way of steam bending drum frames for a few years and now I am offering single wood species steam bent Wakan Drum frames. True to my interest in linking my spirit family and the Tall People with the drum frames I create, my new steam bent frames are engraved both on the inside and outside with spiritual symbols. This new line of drum frames provides the same spirit connection as my multi wood frames but at an economical price point.
I offer my clients the ability to “customize” their frames/drums with their own personal spirit symbols of meaning that I can add to their drum frame. You can also choose from the ones I have available. You just need to provide an image file (that you have permission to use, no copyright issues) and I can refine the image as I need to place it on your drum frame. Let’s talk about this.
For drum makers/creators, I can now provide Wakan Drum steam bent frames with their own symbols that will only be created for their drum frames. Think about this as an opportunity to stand apart from normal laminated frames with your own spiritual signature on each of your drums.
My brother Michael Williams now offers the drums he creates with the Wakan Drums steam bent frames that includes his own traditional Pacific Northwest coastal Tlingit/Tsimshian Form line art from his tribal heritage. The outside of his drum frames has the four compass directions, and the inside surface presents his Tlingit/Tsimshian Medicine Wheel and more. If you would like to order a full drum from him, please send an email with your request and contact information.
I have created a line of drum frames with the Inca Symbols for my friend, Don Eduardo. I took the pictures of his important symbols from the weaving's his family creates as the base for the engraving image file now on these drums.
The outside as the Hummingbird (North), Eagle/Condor (East), Serpent (South and is the outline of the Serpent Mound here in Ohio), and Jaguar (West). The inside has my personal symbols and there is space to add your symbols.
Please give these new drum frames consideration and give me a call to begin the formation of your special spirit drum frame. I also offer completed Wakan Drums with these new frames, and they are presented in my on-line shop.
Use this form to select and add your own icons for your drum.
This is the combination of the Condor and the Eagle which represents the South and North American cultures
This is the INCA Hummingbird which to me is the North Direction and directs one to my Lodge of the North Spirit Hall.
Polar Bear! This is one of my spirit guides and is very active in working with drum holders and keepers.
This represents the great Serpent Mound in Ohio and to me all the Mound builders in the World. It also represents the South Direction
This is the symbol for the Sun and all of the Sentient Stars in the Cosmos.
The Dragons! They linked into the drums at the beginning and remain to help.
The chakana (or Inca Cross) is a stepped cross made up of an equal-armed cross indicating the cardinal points of the compass and a superimposed square.
This is the symbol for the Deer. This is one of the spirit animals in my Bear Drum Freyja that I used to wrap the lace spokes into the handle.
The Jaguar of the Inca. For many, including myself, this is the symbol for the West Direction.
My spirit animal the Crow. I had a family of Crows that lived on my porch back in Shoreline and are linked into the drums.
This is Rainbow Goddess of the Southwest Region, I think of the Navajo and Hopi. She is part of the drums and works all the time with Sandy.
The Salmon represents the Salmon People of the West Coast and who became part of the drums at my first powwow in Arlington Washington.
Pachamama is a goddess revered by the indigenous peoples of the Andes and is part of all the drums.
This Nordic Rune represents the Lady Freyja who has been part of my drums since my first drum Freyja was created. She and Sandy are buddies.
This is the Tibetan Buddhist mantra Ohm Mani Padme Hum. It is one of the ties I have with the Buddha Energy.
The Inca symbol Apu - an Apu is the term used to describe the spirits of mountains and sometimes solitary rocks, typically displaying anthropomorphic features, that protect the local people.